Sanjaya Senavirathana

Sanjaya Senavirathna's artistic odyssey is an intimate dance with the enigmatic essence of love woven into the vibrant tapestry of abstract artistry. For Senavirathna, the allure of art isn't just admiration from afar; it's an impassioned affair that beckons him to possess his creations intimately. His fascination with abstract art transcends the confines of representation, venturing into a realm where colors, lines, forms, and textures coalesce in a symphony of emotions. It's a departure from the tangible, a venture into the realm of the non-objective, where expressions of love take center stage, devoid of concrete representation but brimming with emotional resonance. His journey through solo exhibitions at the Paradise Road Gallery has been a testament to this, where he encapsulates love as an abstract force, using vibrant hues and gestural strokes to articulate what words often struggle to convey. Senavirathna's canvas becomes an altar where love's emotions, expressions, and shades intermingle, each stroke a testament to his unyielding drive to articulate the unseen, felt, and profoundly experienced aspects of human connection.
Acrylic on canvas
36x48 Inches
Acrylic on canvas
36x48 Inches
Acrylic on canvas
36x48 Inches
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